2013 MWSC Exit Survey is Available Now

The 2013 Midwest Regional Service Conference is over, and now it’s time for us to start thinking about next year.  To help make next year’s conference even better, we need to know what you thought of this year’s MWSC.  If you attended in 2013, we would ask you to take a moment to fill out our exit survey.  If possible, please have each attendee from your company take the survey.  There are 3 ways to take the survey:

Online (Preferred)

Click here to fill out the exit survey online.  It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

By Mail

Download (link) and print a PDF of the exit survey, and mail it to:

4927 W. Irving Park Rd.
Chicago, IL 60641

By Fax

Download (link) and print a PDF of the exit survey, and fax it to:

(773) 282-5700

The Next ESDA Monthly Meeting is Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Join us Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 for dinner at the Silver Stallion restaurant.  Join us for a post-MWSC meeting to recap and share some service literature from the conference.

Plan now to attend for an evening of important information and fellowship!

The Time

Dinner from the menu begins at 7 pm, with the meeting beginning at 8 PM

The Location

The Silver Stallion Restaurant
1275 Lee Street  Des Plaines, IL  60018
Phone: 847-298-2656

Make the time to join us on The Second Wednesday of each month in 2013 for timely training and updates in the electronic industry. 

THANKS to Curtis Danner for another outstanding presentation on Safety in March

THANKS to Curtis Danner of Danneronics and Fermi Lab for another excellent presentation on safety on March 13, 2013. We have created a new forum called “Safety Information” so ESDA members can access this important reference information at any time. THANKS again to Curtis for keeping this issue in our thoughts. We look forward to another presentation at the summer conference.

March 9, 2011 Meeting Training Material and Exit Survey

The training material from the March 9th, 2011 ESDA meeting has been posted to the “Training Material” section of the member forums for download. Click Here

We also have developed an on line exit survey for this event. Please take a moment to tell us what you think.
Your feedback helps us plan future events.  Click here

If you registered on line for the event you will also receive this notice via email.

Thanks to Sharp Electronics

Thanks to Sharp Electronics and Steve Gelman CET for an outstanding presentation on February 9th of the Quattron 3D LE925 course.


Full course materials have been uploaded to the ESDA web “Training Material” forum are now available for download by forum members.


Non members who attended the training should receive an email soon with download instructions.
Click here for a copy of the February 9th Exit Survey form.

Thanks to JVC

Thanks to Douglas Lindgren, Field Service Engineer from JVC for providing an outstanding evening of techincal training on JVC products on October 13, 2010.

ESDA was pleased to deliver the 2010 NESDA Regional Friend of Service award to Doug that evening.

Dave Kliss Presenting NESDA 2010 Regional Friend of Service Award to Douglas Lindgren, JVC Field Service Engineering at ESDA Meeting on October 13, 2010