To apply for membership to ESDA, please click here.
Our Mission Statement:
To promote and encourage growth, prosperity and integrity for all members through mutual involvement in programs that promote communication, training and cooperation.
Business Management:
One of the primary goals of ESDA is to provide business management and profitability seminars for service centers of all sizes. We all need help from time to time and we all have something to share, ESDA provides training from many sources. NO SERVICE BUSINESS IS TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL TO BENEFIT!
Technical Training:
In the fast changing world of consumer electronics, how can one possibly stay on the cutting edge? The demand for quality technical training is tremendous. ESDA uses many sources to bring this training to its members:
1. Manufacturer’s representatives.
2. Electronic training specialists who are available through the National Electronic Service Dealer’s
Association (NESDA) and the International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians. (ISCET).
3. Local technicians who have a particular expertise they are willing to share.
Legislative Involvement:
Local, state and federal agencies regulate almost every aspect of business. How can ESDA help? We have a legislative action committee and our Executive director who closely monitors state and federal legislation that directly influences our businesses and we maintain close communications with other service industry associations at the local, state and national level.
Industry Awareness:
We are involved in a fast-moving and exciting industry. How can one stay abreast of the changes? ESDA members are among the best informed because we share and we communicate.
Each month, ESDA holds a dinner meeting which features a presentation on a particular subject as well as reports on industry trends and various other subjects of interest to professional electronic service dealers. These meetings are an invaluable forum for servicers to “network” by exchanging ideas, products & services and provide mutual sustenance through peer-to-peer support. Many members consider the mentor relationships and life-long friendships which are formed at the meetings to be the most important benefit of association.
Additionally, every year, ESDA hosts a 3-day “week-end-get-away” summer conference & trade show which provides more ambitious technical & business seminars, the opportunity for servicers to network on a larger scale and to relax and socialize among kindred souls.
In unity, there is strength. With knowledge, there is strength. None of us is as smart or as strong as all of us. Through mutual trust, sharing and communications we become stronger. With this strength, we can defend against those who would prefer that servicers be divided, so as to take unfair advantage of the isolated.