The Next ESDA Monthly Meeting will be Next Wednesday, May 9th.

The next regular ESDA meeting will be next Wednesday May 9, 2012 at The Silver Stallion Restaurant.

News From NESDA

George Weiss is just back from the spring NESDA board meeting with information to share with us, and we’ll be doing the final planning for the summer conference.

The long overdue exit surveys for 2011 MWSC participants will also be available at the meeting.  The survey form is also available at the conference website, or by clicking this link.  Please take a moment to fill out the form in person or online; it helps us plan for future events.

The Time

Dinner from the menu begins at 6.30 pm, with the meeting beginning at 7.30 PM

The Location

The Silver Stallion Restaurant
1275 Lee Street  Des Plaines, IL  60018
Phone: 847-298-2656

MWSC Insider Has Launched!

We’re 9 weeks from the start of MWSC 2012 in Peoria, and you should  all be receiving the new weekly MWSC Insider emails with the most up to date info on the conference along with features on our sponsors and trainers.  Be sure to check out the conference website,,  as new things are being added frequently.  We’ve arranged early registration discounts, but you need to be an early bird to get the best bang for the buck in the service industry today.

Wanted: Photos

We’ve recently uploaded a gallery of photos from the 2011 MWSC, which you can find at  If you have any conference photos you’d like to share, please send them to